
放置ブログもいい加減にしとかんと、年度まで終わりそうですね。 お盆から止まったままんま、健忘録としても書き残し。 9月8日AM5:30ごろ、咳が一つ出て目を覚ます。そしたらそこから息が入らない。 姿勢を変えても頭の向きを変えても息が入らない。声も出ない状況、異変を感じて横で寝ていた ハルちゃんも目を覚まし、「救急車呼ぶ?」の問いかけにうなずくしか出来ず。 待つこと数分、その間に1度だけ「今回はマジでアカンかも」と。心の中で、数日前に教えてもらった「讃」を 唱える。救急車到着、救急隊の方に抱えられる。 記憶はここまで、この時点で意識を失い、次に意識を取り戻したのは10日の昼ごろでICUのベッドの上でした。 約1ヶ月の入院。退院後もケアしながら生活習慣を整えつつ・・・ 現在は徐々に体力も戻り、倒れる前の8割程度ながら普通に仕事もして生活しております。 その間に、あいるやマリンちゃん、BiBiちゃんがお空に。 う~ん、ボンが遊んでもらった子がほとんどお空組に。 みんな!ありがとね!またな!!
nice!(0)  コメント(3) 

nice! 0

コメント 3


Passive income from 3000 EURO. Join and Become Rich with our unique system.

Our system is an exclusive group for people who believed and got involved in the madness of Bitcoin and made a fortune on it.
Our members enjoy a worldwide vacation every month while making money on their laptop with just a few minutes of “work” every day.
Each new member starts earning from 3000 EURO on the very first day. Forget loans and hated jobs. soon you will not have them because you will soon become rich.
We also have 5 participants who, on the very first day, earned from 100,000 EURO each. This is a very excellent indicator.
Don't waste time, register and start making good money right now.


There is no other trading application in the world like our system that gives 99.4% accuracy.
Therefore, our members from all over the world trust us to double and triple their hard earned money.
The program was created by the most advanced trading technologies in the world.
The program is ahead of the market by 0.01 seconds.
This 'leaping time' allows our system to be the most accurate and fastest program in the world.
Due to this, you will receive passive income from 3000 EURO per day.
Don't waste time, register and start making good money right now.


Our app has won numerous awards.
We were recently honored to receive the '# 1' award in the Trade Program category from the US Trade Association.
Once your registration is accepted, you automatically become a new user of the system.
You will be able to use the trading system for free.
Like any other business, you need start-up capital to get started.
To start making profit with the system, you must invest 250 EURO or more.
Don't waste time, register and start making good money right now.


Click 'trade' to enjoy accurate and automated trading based on a winning algorithm.
You can also switch the system to manual mode if you prefer to trade yourself.
But we give a guarantee that in automatic mode your income will be from 3000 EURO per day.
Don't waste time, register and start making good money right now.

by ArthurMot (2021-06-01 20:23) 


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точки продаж электронных сигарет
by LieshEa (2021-07-11 20:56) 


Интересно спасет красота мир или уже нет<a href=http://sluganie.blogspot.com>.</a> Может все ? Сожет мы уже опоздали навсегда?
by Mikkysuecy (2021-09-01 00:48) 



2017お盆の遠征記録|- ブログトップ
